Thirteen Books - Who Was The First Architect? Or Bees and Beehives 1885, A Walk Around the Snickelways of York 1991 Mark W. Jones (signed), Select Poems Olivia Fitzroy, Applegarth 1936 Simon Evans, Sketches of English Life and Character 1909 Mary R Mitford, Tales of Irish Life and Character 1909 Erskine Nicol, The English Country Life 1924 W Raymond, Among My Autographs 1904 George R Sims, The Gaiety Years 1975 Alan Hyman, Simon Evans The Poet Postman Of Cleobury Mortimer 1981, Cranbourne Chase 1980 Desmond Hawkins, Conan Doyle 2007 Andrew Lycett, Castles 1926 Charles Oman, mixed condition