Thirteen Hardback Equine Books - Cope's Racegoer's Encyclopaedia 1955, 1961 and 1962, New Sporting Almanack 1845 (rebound), Horse and Man Aphorisms and Paradoxes 1939 Alessandro Alvisi, The Horse Has Four Legs 1947 C.H Dent, Book of Sports and Mirror of Life 1832 Pierce Egan, Reminiscences of the Late Assheton Smith 1860 J.E Eardley-Wilmot, The Romance of the Derby Stakes 1930 Alan Macey, The Complete Horseman 1913 William Scarth Dixon, A Sporting and Dramatic Career 1918 E.T Watson, Sixty Years on the Turf 1901 George Hodgman, Bibliography of the History and Organisation of Horse Racing and Thoroughbred Breeding in Great Britain and Ireland 1978 Eileen P Loder