Period Golf Books: to incl Golf Henry Longhurst 1937 reprint, Golf by Frank Pennink 1952, Golfing By-Paths - Bernard Darwin 1946, How To Play Your Best Golf All The Time - Tommy Armour, A New Way To Better Golf - Alex J Morrisson x2, British Golf - Bernard Darwin x2, The Modern Fundamentals of Golf - Ben Hogan 1958 4th, This Game of Golf - Henry Cotton 1949 4th, How To Play Golf - Ben Thomson 1946, Master Golfers In Action - Louis T Stanley 1950, The Women Golfer - Belle Robertson 1988, The Complete Golfer - Herbert Warren Wind 1954, A Natural Way To Golf Power 1976, Golf In My Gallowses - Angus Macvicar 1983, Guiness Book of Golf of Facts and Feats, 2nd edition, Perfecting Your Short Game - Beverly Lewis, Public Schools Old Boys Golf Association, The First 50 Years, Brunsfield Links - Stewart Cruden 1992, Golfs Strangest Rounds, The Ryder Cup - The Illustrated History - Michael Hobbs, The Impossible Art of Golf - Alec Morrison 1994, The Complete Woman Golfer - Vivien Saunders, A Golfers Companion, How We Won The Ryder Cup - Norman Dabell 1997, Golfing Ladies - Rosalyne Cossey, G (box of)