"Course of The Exchange" Official Stock Exchange Prices of Shares in The Canals, Mines, Railways Etc. 4 different issues of 1818, 1827 & 1836 - there are listed prices of Stockton & Darlington and Liverpool & Manchester railways. On the 1818 sheet over 60 Canal companies, On the 1838 sheet over 40 Railway companies. Also are listed Government Stocks, East India & South Sea Company, many South American Govt Loans and Mining Companies, Over 60 United States Loans and companies, some Australian companies. Others such as Covent Garden Theatre, Highgate Archway, Thames Tunnel, Russian Govt 1822 Loan, Mississippi Loan, Australian Agricultural Company etc. Detailed black printing sizes range from 8¼" x 13¼" to 12" x 19½" (3)