1977 Official Ryder Cup Team Photographs – played at Royal Lytham and St Anne’s and won by USA 12.5 - 7.5 the USA team included non-playing Capt Dow Finsterwald, Lanny Wadkins, Lou Graham, Hale Owen, Jack Nicklaus, Hubert Green, Ray Floyd, Tom Watson, Dave Stockton, D January, Ed Sneed, and J McGee and the Gt Britain team incl non playing Capt Brian Huggett, Tony Jacklin, Nick Faldo, Peter Oosterhuis, Brian Barnes, Neil Coles, Tommy Horton, Bernhard Gallagher, Ken Brown, Howard Clark, Peter Dawson, Eamon Darcy and M James – mf&g overall 28” x 17.5”. Note From The David Easby Estate