Selections From the Records of the Bombay Government – 1855 ‘Memoirs’ - the thick volume has a total of nearly 40 papers by civil and military officers on the topography, customs, language, routes, products, agriculture etc of Sind, now in Pakistan, Bombay: printed for the government at the Bombay education society’s press, brief notes relative to the division of time, and articles of cultivation in Sind; to which are appended remarks on the modes of intoxication in that province. By lieutenant R. F. Burton, 18th regiment Bombay N. I. and late assistant surgeon J. E. Stocks Submitted to the government on 2nd march 1848, notes relative to the population of Sind; and the customs, language, and literature of the people &c. By lieutenant R. F. Burton, 18th regiment Bombay N. I. Submitted to the government on 31st December 1847 – all bound in one volume