India & Punjab – Detailed First Sikh War Letter Autograph letter from Edward Dundas Hale, Lieut. 44th Bengal Native Infantry to his aunt giving a first-hand account of the Battle of Ferozeshah during the 1st Anglo Sikh War on 21st December 1845. Dated ‘Camp near Ferozepur, Jan'y 1st’, the Sikhs have been threatening us for some time, about the 10th of last month they crossed the river and encamped within 7 miles of us, their force supposed to be 60,000 men with 100 guns, our force under Sir J. Litler 7,000 with 20 guns... On the 18th the Sikhs made a night attack upon the advance guard of the Com'der in chief’s force but were driven back with loss, we captured 17 guns. On the 21st we marched from Ferozepur... 11 hours without water! We even advanced to the Batteries & truly I have no great desire to be under such fire again. Waterloo officers say they never saw anything like it...the Com'der in Chief attacked with all his force, carried the entrenchment & took 93 guns in position...We were too much knocked up to follow them, officers & men having had nothing to eat for 48 hours. It has been a most glorious victory over an overwhelming force. Our artillery were nearly destroyed by their superior force. The enemy fought bravely but could not stand the British Bayonet. Our loss is not yet published in Gen. Orders but I have heard it stated at 50 Officers killed, 94 wounded & 4,300 men killed or wounded. The Gov. General has promised us a Medal." etc. Excellent first-hand account of this important battle during the Sikh Wars. 4pp, Usual fold marks, traces of mounting on left hand margin