Reserve football programmes: 1940s x9 incl 4 Plymouth, 1946/47 Newcastle v WBA, 1947/48 Wolves v Sheffield Wednesday, 1948/49 Manchester City v Chesterfield, Charlton v Cardiff, and 1949/50 WBA v Blackpool, 16x 1950s incl 4x West Ham Utd, 3 Charlton, 2x Sheffield Wednesday, plus 7 others incl 1958/59 Liverpool v Leeds Utd. 1960s x9 incl 1964/65 Notts Co v Charlton. The other 110 are 1970s onwards mostly single sheets covering a lot of different clubs in good condition, incl 1947/65 Spurs v Chelsea SECL Cup S/F, 1981/82 Bournemouth v Exeter and 1990/91 Whitstabgle v Spurs (J Ulimann Cup. Generally good (114)