India – A series of book review extracts of British Sikh accounts. Three 19th c book reviews by the British on the accounts of Punjab and the Sikhs, includes: The first review 1849 - Papers relating to the Punjab from the book 'Leaves from the Journal of a Subaltern during the campaign in the Punjab' Extract from 1849 publication. The review itself covers the Sikh wars. The second review is that of the book 'Baron Hugels travels in the Punjab. A wealth of information provided spanning the times of Banda Singh Bahadur to Ranjit Singh. The third and final review is of the book ' The Punjaub being a brief account of the country of the Sikhs by Lieut-Steinbach' who was in the service of Ranjit Singh. The three reviews are extracted from British 19th c publications covering the major books published relating to the Sikhs and Punjab. All in good condition, 40 pages, 25 Pages and 31 pages.