India – Sikh Lahore treaty of Ranjit Singh 1847-1849 Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal 1849. An important publication on the treaties of Punjab Lahore – papers relating to the Treaties of Lahore presented to parliament by her Majesty's Commands, 1847 (p 184). Published in 1849 during the second Anglo Sikh War. A chapter in the Edinburgh review covering Ranjit Singh the Lahore treaties (p 184 - P 220) 36 pages dedicated to the Punjab. Also commonly known as 'Ranjit Singh's dominion' goes into detail of the Punjab under Ranjit Singh, his kingdom, character and death. Talks of future policies of the Punjab and the possibility of it being annexed to the British. It states the Sikhs seem incapacitated for living at peace among themselves since the death of Ranjit Singh. Also states the renowned author Sir John Malcolm 'Sketch of the Sikhs' wrote before Ranjit Singh reign was consolidated in 1800, the Sikhs would prey upon each other with such insatiable animosity that they could never become a a formidable state. The review refers to the Sikhs as Tigers and powerful and ferocious, and the quest for the British to annex the Punjab. Covers meetings that took place when signing the treaty between Lord Hardinge and Maharjah Duleep Singh. The Akalee Nihungs are described as formidable, daring, and even Ranjit Singh these Ironsides are said to have been so indiscriminately dangerous that they were always paraded at a review, between two battalions of ordinary troops. 592 pages, marble boards, ex Library copy, has bookplate front cover, in very good condition.