Celebrating 25 Years of Business
20x Books on Fishing - A Fisherman's Bedside Book 1980 David and Gareth Pownall, Angler's Almanac Some Leaves…
Not Sold
20x Books on Fishing - Dear Jim Reflections on the Beauty of Angling 2004 Alexandra Schwab, Fishing and…
10x Books on Fishing - Fly Fishing for Salmon and Sea Trout 1989 Arthur Oglesby, Salmon 1980 Arthur Oglesby…
Fly Fishing Books: Fly Dressing II David J Collyer 1981, The Fly Fisher's Entomology Alfred Ronalds 1990…
20x Fishing Books - The Deepening Pool 1990 Chris Yates, Dick Walker's Modern Fly Dressings 1980, Dressed to…
1872 Francis Francis - "A Book on Angling" 3rd edition 1872, coloured illustrations, quarter leather binding…
10x Books on Fishing - Fishing For Big Tench 1986 Barrie Rickards, Ray Webb & Martin Gay, Grayling 1968 R V…
Ernest Schwiebert Trout Volume 1 & 2 in slip case
2x Fishing Books by Frederic M Halford - Dry-Fly Fishing 1902 and Dry Fly Entomology 1897
Pair of George Rankin Bird Prints: Pheasant and Falcon, Mallard ducks in flight, both are in good period…
Trout and Salmon Fishing Books: a good collection of 12 H/b books, to include: The Pursuit of Still Water…
Collection of Fishing Books: with Noted Books of Angling and the Law Peter Carty 1998 (water marked), The…
Trout Fishing Books: Trout and Grayling Norman Maclean 1980 H/b, Trout Fishing David Sceats1982 H/b, Nymphs…
Veniard, John - book and pamphlet catalogue selection: 500 Fly Dressings 1994, Still Water Flies and Lures…
American Fishing Books: Catskill Rivers Austin M Francis 1983, Great Fishing Lodges of North America - Orvis…
Collection of Fishing Books on Flies, Fly Dressing David J Collyer 1985, Fly Dressing II David J Collyer…
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