Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Salm Manufacturing Company, California, "The Killer" genuine Abalone pearl Indianna spinner, size 201 for…
Not Sold
Collection of 7 Hardy Golden Sprat Devons, including 2 early models with painted eyes, sizes range 2"- 2…
Little Sac Bait Co, USA "The Niangua" minnow, 3.5" wooden bait with glass eyes, front/rear metal props,…
Collection of 7 Hardy Halcyon minnows in sizes 3/4" - 2 1/4", various patterns plus 3 salmon flies including…
Large Fishing Tackle Collection of Lures, Toby Lures by Abu Landa Solvkroken Winfield, Shakespeare and others…
Fishing Tackle Collection Spoons, Lures, Plugs Dead Baits, Spinners, a mixed collection Abu Shakespeare and…
Fishing Tackle Collection of Devons, Minnows, Lures, trace mounts, with makers of Spey, Dibro, John Norris…
Partridge Redditch Ian Gordon Light Spey carbon fly rod, Model 1650-300, 10ft 3pc line 7/8# with twin…
Partridge Redditch Ian Gordon Medium Spey carbon salmon fly rod, Model 1650 420, 14ft 4pc line 9/10#, ideal…
Hardy Alnwick Graphite Smuggler Deluxe carbon trout fly rod, 9ft 5" 8pc line 7#, alloy uplocking reel seat…
A scarce Hardy Alnwick Graphite Smuggler Deluxe spinning rod, 8ft 3" 7pc, 5/8oz CW, 13" handle with Fuji…
A scarce Loop Opti Z Spey carbon salmon fly rod 07-71-0136, 14ft 4pc line 9/10#, 32-39g, 26" Patented Z…
Hardy Alnwick Deluxe Smuggler Classic carbon trout fly rod, 8ft 2 1/2", 7pc line 5#, alloy uplocking reel…
Shimano Stradic Super Graphite trout fly rod, 10ft 2pc line 6/8#, alloy uplocking reel seat with wood insert,…
Bob Church & Co Northampton "The Pitsford" carbon trout fly rod 9ft 6" 2pc line 7/9#, uplocking reel seat,…
Silstar GT 3883-330 Traverse X Feeder carbon rod, 11ft 3pc with spare tip, 25" handle with alloy sliding reel…
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