Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Drakes Road Book of The Grand Junction and London and Birmingham Railway 1839 - an extensive two books in one…
Not Sold
Chin Chin Or The China Man At Home by Tcheng-ki-Tong (late of the Imperial Chinese Legation) 1895 first…
China - Historical and Descriptive by Charles H Eden, with an appendix on Corea 1880 - 334 page book with…
Shadows of Old Booksellers by Charles Knight, 1865 an extensive 320 page book, detailing the lives and work…
Bukta (Campedia) 1937 "The All-British Catalogue of Bukta Tents and Equipment" Sales Catalogue - a very…
Constantine & Jackson, 27 Chancery Lane, London c1900-10, 40 page very detailed catalogue of rubber sheaths…
Shipping - Dublin Steam Packet Company 1833 Document - 26 page publication relating to Clauses intended to be…
The Stockton and Darlington Railway 1840s Paper Ticket An early Paper Ticket for travel along this historic…
Scarborough and Its Neighbourhood 1870s Pictorial Guidebook - has 8 Lithograph plates of which 4 are double…
The Emek Jezreel and The Beisan Valley by Abraham Turai - printed in Tel Aviv 1946, 142 page book with 15…
Plymouth Blitz by The Western Morning News 1946 Publication - large publication of 62 full pages with 12…
De Soto Car. 1952 Sales brochure - An attractive 4 page brochure featuring 6 multicolour illustrations of…
Confederate States of America Confederate States of America $20 Banknote - September 2nd 1861 - Industry…
India - East India Company Stamp-Less Entire ‘Londenderry To-East India House London' with m/s "2" postal…
India and Punjab - Sketches of Native Life in India and Sikh Horse, 1858 - an original ILN wood engraving…
India - India's Loyalty print 1916 drawn by Lionel Edwards and 1899 A Frontier Episode: A Gallant Sowar saves…
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