Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Casting at the Sun - The reflections of a Carp Fisher Christopher Yates 1986, multi signed by C Yates, Deny…
Carp Fishing Now and Then Rod Hutchinson signed copy with dedication H/b +D/j G
For the Love of Carp by various authors Chris Yates, signed copy with dedication 1989 H/b +D/j G
Not Sold
9 Carp Fishing Books: a good collection to include Carp Fever Kevin Maddocks 1988, The Carp Catchers Club…
Angling Times Books Sea fishing in Sussex x 2 North Devon, Dorset, with a short guide to Shark in Looe -…
5 Good Fly-Tying Fishing Books, The Colour Guide to Fly Tying Kevin Hyatt 1984, Fly Patterns an International…
Falkus, Hugh - "Salmon Fishing a Practical Guide" 1988 reprint, Sea Trout Fishing 2nd edition plus a P/b…
5 Fishing Books: Salmon Arthur Oglesby 1974, The Trout and Salmon Handbook Robin Ade 1989, Salmon & Women…
2015 Signed Matt Hayes First Edition My Red-Letter Days 2015, Strike One Media - ltd edition G+
Fine & Far Off Salmon Fishing Methods in Practice Jock Scott, 1st edition, in great condition with D/j G+
Richard Walker Fishing Books: How to fish Angling Times Booklet 1st edition, Dick Walkers Angling 1980 2nd,…
Pike & Carp Fishing Books: to include a good copy of Pike Fishing with Lures David Lumb 1996, Pike on the Fly…
12 Period Fishing Books: a good collection of H/b books to include Reflections On A River Howard Marshall…
3 Fly Tying Fishing Books: The Second Fly Tyers Almanac B Robert, H Boyle, Dave Whitlock 1978, The Trout and…
12 Period Fishing Books: a good collection of H/b books to include The Compleat Angler Crown Library Edition,…
Hardy's Book of Fishing 1971, Hardy's Aid to Angling Salmon & Trout Fishing Tackle for Collectors Charles…
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