Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Farlows Aerialite Bakelite reel 3 3/4" spool, twin handles, on/off check, brass line guide, runs well;
A collection of alloy and brass reels 3 1/2" to 1 1/2", made up of: 2x crank wind reels; 5x plate wind reels.
A collection of mahogany and brass reels as follows: 3x star back 3 1/2" spool reels, all with twin handles,…
Jeffery & Son, 12 George Street, Plymouth, brass reel 3 1/2" spool, large horn handle, constant check, slight…
A collection of unnamed large mahogany and brass reels, as follows: 6" star back with twin bulbous brass…
Hardy Bros Perfect 3 5/8" spool, milled rim tensioner, ribbed brass foot with a modified handle/line guide…
Charles Farlow & Co Maker, 191 The Strand, London, alloy reel, 3 1/4" spool, oversize handle, 3 pillar frame…
Not Sold
Abu Ambassadeur 5000C multiplier No 134934 counter balanced handle, light use, runs very well, in original…
Six Books on Fishing - The Complete Fly Fisherman - The Notes and Letters of Theodore Gordon 1949 John…
Five Books on Fishing - Fish and Find Out 1937 Major R C Simpson, A Fisherman's Philosophy 1933 J D…
Ten Books on Fishing - Spey Casting A New Technique 1994 Hugh Falkus, A Long Flight 1947 Terence Horsley,…
Ten Books on Fishing - The Complete Illustrated Guide to Casting 1963 Joe Brooks (ex lib), Stalking Trout - A…
Ten Books on Fishing - Kimsquit Chronicles Dean River British Columbia 1996 James Sirois (signed), The Golden…
Eight Books on Fishing - The Flyfishers - An Anthology to mark the Centenary of the Flyfishers Club 1884-1994…
Seven Book on Fishing - Modern Fly Casting 1942 John Alden Knight, Sanke River Country History Anecdotes…
Six Books on Fishing - Freshwater Fighting Fish 1968 Vic McCristal, Call of the River 2002 Philip Weigall, A…
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