Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Hardy Alnwick split cane light salmon/sea trout rod 11ft 2pc, alloy down locking reel seat, tip ferrule needs…
Scierra XDA carbon fly rod 10ft 6" 3pc line 8#, alloy uplocking reel seat with carbon insert, lined stripping…
Daiwa Graphite Trout fly rod CF98-9, made in Scotland 9ft 2pc line 4/6#, double alloy uplocking reel seat,…
Interesting collection of rods for various fishing methods, made up of: Milbro Truefly Deluxe F82-2 glass…
J J S Walker Bampton Alnwick alloy fly reel (made for R Sanderson Ltd, Turangi, New Zealand), 3.
Not Sold
J B Moscrop Manchester 3" brass fly reel with maker's detail to rear and bottom of smooth brass foot, central…
J A Coxe Reel Company, Bronson, Michigan Model 10c Multiplier Reel c1940s twin cream handles, sliding line…
ABU Ambassadeur 5501-C3 multiplier ultra-cast reel - seat No.01002, LHW twin rubber handles, runs very well,…
3x Vintage American Multiplier Reels - True Temper Ocean City 112D, Pflueger Golden West 1878 and Ocean City…
4x Wooden Strapback Reels - in sizes 4", 2x 3" and 2.25", all with twin handles, one having iron strap to…
3x Wooden and Brass Reels - 4.5" fishtailed starback with brass flange and rear check on/off, with another 4.
Milwards 6" Seafarer Wooden and Brass Starback Reel with twin black handles, brass flange, brass line guide,…
Wooden and Brass 5.5" Frogback Nottingham Reel with twin black handles, sliding catch release, brass flange,…
Wooden and Brass 6" Diamond back Nottingham Reel with extended wooden handle with counterbalance, brass…
3x Victorian / Early 20th century Brass Plate Wind Reels - inc 4.5" Hercules style with fat black handle,…
4x Assorted Multiplier Reels inc 3x Japan made reels in burgundy and chrome with cream handles, possibly by…
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