Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Millwards Float Master split cane float/trotting reel 5391 10' 6" 3pc, 18" handle with alloy sliding reel…
A collection of rods, all complete and in good order with cloth bags: unnamed split cane pike rod 10' 2pc,…
Hardy Alnwick "The Perfection" palakona split cane fly rod H17333 9' 2pc alloy uplocking reel seat, agate…
Shakespeare O-Series Graphite Glass 1852-330 3.3m 2pc, action D, 24" handle, alloy sliding reel fittings,…
Not Sold
Davenport & Fordham Poole Dorset Feralite glass fly rod 8' 6" 2pc, alloy reel seat, cloth bag, plastic still…
Allcocks Redditch Lucky Strike split cane match rod 10' 6" 3pc, 16" handle, alloy reel fittings, stand off…
Orvis USA Trident TL carbon pike fly rod, 9' 4pc, line 10#, WT 5.5oz, fighting butt, double alloy uplocking…
Hardy Alnwick "The Halford Knockabout" palakona split cane trout fly rod 9' 6" 2pc, line 7#, alloy uplocking…
Maker Grey of Alnwick "The Shannon" carbon fly rod 11' 3pc, line 4/9#, alloy uplocking reel seat with…
Hardy Alnwick "The Perfection" palakona split cane trout rod H22276 9' 2pc, alloy uplocking reel seat, agate…
Scottie Impregnated Eighty Three split cane trout fly rod 8' 5" 2pc, line 5/6# alloy reel seat and collars,…
Hardy Alnwick "The Dapping Rod" cane/wood and greenheart 99806.1933 - 16' 3pc with spare tip, all brass…
Hardy Alnwick "The Murdock" palakona split cane salmon fly rod - 11' 6" 3pc with spare tip, 23" handle…
William Garden Aberdeen greenheart course rod 12' 2pc, 24" handle with brass sliding reel fittings and…
Hardy Alnwick "The Pope" palakona trout fly rod 10' 2pc (note repair to handle butt and to blank), lined butt…
W R Pape Newcastle split cane rod - 13' 3pc with spare tip, 19" handle with brass fittings, red agate…
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