Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Caudle & Rivas Ltd Glamorgan carbon trout fly rod 9ft 2pc line 5/6#, alloy uplocking reel set, lined…
Not Sold
Abu Atlantic 443 Zoom spinning rod 9' 2pc, 30-60g CW, 28" handle, alloy down locking reel seat (taped), MCB;
Interesting re-furbished Hardy double built steel centred split cane boat rod, 10' 6" 2pc, 31" handle…
Eaton & Deller split cane trout fly rod 10' 6" 3pc, with spare tip, in flamed bamboo tip holder/landing net…
Hardy Alnwick split cane steel centred LRH spinning rod No E44434 9' 6" 2pc, 20" handle with alloy sliding…
Abu Mark 5 Zoom hollow glass match/float rod 13' 3pc with match tip, 30" handle with alloy sliding reel…
Gladding Sealey Blue Match hollow glass float rod 14' 3pc, 30" handle with alloy sliding reel fittings, stand…
Aiken London Superflex hollow glass ledger rod 9' 2pc with 24" solid glass tip, 20" handle with alloy sliding…
J W Pickard Coventry "The Obvious" hollow glass ledger rod 9' 4" 2pc, stand off rings with indicator tube,…
Super Flex Surf Water Supreme III fibre tube fast taper rod 12' 2pc, 46" handle with double down locking reel…
Olympic Power Flyte tubular fibreglass rod Model 3090 9' 2pc, 24" handle with alloy uplocking reel seat,…
Hardy Alnwick refurbished split cane brook fly rod No 96557, 1903) 7' 2pc with spare tip, brass sliding reel…
A fine and very original C Farlow London "The Elf" split cane trout fly rod with Holdfast logo 9' 3pc with…
Cliffe, J H - "Notes and Recollections of An Angler; Rambles among the mountains, valleys and solitudes of…
The Angler in The Lake District 1857 Davy, John or, Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions in W…
Trout Fishing - Ribble River & Valley, a local and natural history by Malcolm Greenhalgh 2010, in original…
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