Celebrating 25 Years of Business
A collection of unnamed glass fly rods, all with cloth bags, comprising: 13ft 6" approx. 3pc salmon rod, 28"…
Hardy Richard Walker Fibalite carp rod 10ft 2pc, 27" handle with sliding reel fittings, agate lined butt/tip…
Hardy Richard Walker Fred Taylor Trotter Fibalite rod 11ft 3" 2pc, 24" detachable handle with alloy sliding…
Airflo Classic Hi-Modulus carbon trout fly rod 9ft 2pc line 6/7#, alloy uplocking reel set, lined butt/tip…
Not Sold
DAM Fighter carp composite rod 11ft 2pc No 2393-334, uplocking reel seat, twin composite hand grips, lined…
Pair of carbon brook fly rods with MCB: Normark 7ft 2pc line 3/4, uplocking reel seat, Gold Medal carbon fly…
Daiwa Whisker Kevlar Trout Supreme fly rod 10ft 3" 2pc line 8/10#, alloy uplocking reel seat with detachable…
Abu Sweden 311 glass spinning rod No 146478 6ft 6" 2pc CW 2/18g, 15in handle with alloy sliding reel…
Hardy Alnwick "The Glen Beg" Neocane trout fly rod NE 6698, 9ft 2pc, line 6#, alloy uplocking reel seat,…
Hardy Alnwick "The Favourite" graphite trout fly rod PT 59304 8ft 2pc 4/5# alloy sliding reel fittings, lined…
Fly fishing Books, what the Trout Said Datus C Proper 1982, The Confident Fly Fisher Cunliffe R Pearce 1972,…
Sea Fishing Books, to include Sea Fishing Clive Gammon 1969, Sea Fishing with The Expert's Jack Thorndike…
Scottish Fishing Books, The Gentle Art Henry Lamond 1911 Angling on Lomond Bill McEwan 1980, Fishing for Wild…
Fly Fishers Classic Library Books, to include Irish Trout & Salmon Flies 1993 ltd edition of 1000 signed…
Fly Fishers Classic Library Books, to include The Land and Water Salmon Flies George M Kelson 1993, Jone's…
Fly Fishers Classic Library Books, to include Dame Juliana The Angling Treatyse and Its Mysteries Frederick…
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