Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Daiwa Made in Scotland Osprey Amorphous Whisker Dry Fly Special AWF85 Fast Taper carbon trout rod, 8ft 6"…
Daiwa Pro Carbon Carp 11ft 2pc composite grips with up locking reel seat, lined rings throughout, MCB, light…
LureFlash full carbon fly rod with Kevlar stripes 10ft 2pc line 7/9# uplocking reel seat, lined rings…
Not Sold
J S Sharpe Aberdeen "The Featherweight" impregnated split cane trout fly rod No 611253 8ft 6" 2pc line 56#,…
Hardy Alnwick "The CC de France" palakona split cane brook fly rod, 6ft 10" 2pc, line 5#, alloy sliding reel…
Hardy Alnwick "Jet" hollow glass fibalite trout fly rod 9ft 2pc line 7#, alloy uplocking reel seat, agate…
Hardy Alnwick "Coast Master" fibalite hollow glass spinning boat/sea rod - 26" handle with alloy uplocking…
Hardy Alnwick hollow glass fibalite trout fly rod - 9ft 2pc line 7#, alloy uplocking reel seat, lined butt…
Bruce & Walker Scotland carbon compound taper salmon and sea trout fly rod - 10ft 2pc line 4/8#, alloy…
Hardy Alnwick Deluxe Classic Spey salmon fly rod - 15ft 3pc line 10#, alloy down locking reel set and collar,…
Hardy Alnwick "The Favourite" graphite spinning rod - 11ft 2pc CW 1.5oz, 28" handle, alloy down locking reel…
Fly-Fishing and Fly-Tying Books: Robson's Guide Stillwater Trout Flies in Colour 1985, The Trout and The Fly…
Fly-Fishing and Fly-Tying Books - Unnaturals David Klausmeyere 2006, Dry Fly Patterns Poul Jorgensen 2002,…
Pike Fishing Books, to include: Fly Fishing for Big Pike Alan Hanna 1998 P/B, Passion for Pike Ad Swier 2006,…
Fly Fishing DVDs to include: Essential Patterns Oliver Edwards Vol 1+2, Flybox Trout Edition One, Bugs of The…
Flytyers Flies the Flies that Catch Fish Chris Sandford & Friends signed copy, 2009, H/b with D/j, plus a…
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