Celebrating 25 Years of Business
A Collection of Mitchell Reels Spare Parts, a good mixture of parts, spring, screws, bail arms, guards,…
Sea & Pike Bait Lures, to include Alf baitfish, yellow bonny, Dutch monster squid shaped pike lure #8 doz
Sea & Pike Bait Lures, to include Hi Tie, squid shaped pike lures, Alf baitfish, yellow bunny #8 doz
Sea & Pike Bait Lures, to include pike fly, Wyatts baitfish, Dutch monster, left deceiver #8 doz
Old Style Pike Flies 7 packets of approx. 12 in each #7 doz
Sea & Pike Bait Lures, to include Hi Tie, squid shaped pike lures, Alf baitfish, #8 doz
Sea & Pike Bait Lures, to include, Dutch monster, pike lure,softex steamer #8 doz
Sea & Pike Bait Lures .to include yellow bunny, Dutch monsters, Wyatts, Alf baitfish, Hitie, pike fly, #8 doz
Retail Wooden Mustards Double Fly Box, containing sea & pike lures, Alf's baitfish, Dutch monster, Hi Tie, Hi…
Hardy Bros Salmon Tailer, Hardy bros metal rod tube with screw top and a Hardy bro wading staff and gaff (3)
Scarce Enamel Hardy Bros Ltd Shop Advertising Sign by Royal appointment to the King so pre 1951 escutcheon…
Framed Print of a Leaping Salmon by Spencer Roberts, professionally framed and mounted under glass #55cm x…
Not Sold
3x Framed Fishing Prints consists of 'Small Pools hold big surprises' 27x21", 'Casting to the rise - Maine'…
Framed Fishing Print of Fisherman's Map of Salmon Pools on the river Dee, framed and mounted under glass 92cm…
Framed The Field Map of the Rivers of Great Britain, a map that has been once folded, framed under glass 62…
Roe, Clarence (1870-1909) oil on canvas of Highland Fishing Scene - featuring a fisherman in the foreground…
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