Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Various Book Selection featuring Vanity Fair Shakespeare Sonnets, The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, The…
Not Sold
Interesting Selection of early 20th century Children Educational & Visual Learning of The World - David…
Signed Copy of 'The Story of Joe's Career in the RCAF' The story of the British Commonwealth Air Force men…
1937 Four Years of Motorway Construction Book by A Hitler, some of them showing the opening of the motorway…
Capt Ernst A Lehmann Signed Note - inscribed 'Over London on board the Graf Zeppelin July 3rd 1932', with…
1910 The Winning Post 'The Imperial Number' Newspaper by Robert S Sievier dated Saturday May 14 a large…
1920s/30s Children's Picture Block Puzzle - depicts 6 themes all military/transport related, within box…
Annals of Edinburgh and Leith from 1830 to 1839 R Stevenson, Published by Printed for the Author by J…
Ancient Customs, Sports, and Pastimes, of the English by A Jehoshaphat 1832 London John Harris with twelve…
1838 A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scotland,…
Manual of British Rural Sports: Comprising Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Fishing, Hawking, Racing, Boating,…
Year-book of daily recreation & information by Hone William Published by LONDON, TEGG, 1832, quarter bound…
The autobiography of the Rev Dr Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk containing memorials of the men and…
3x Black's guide Through Edinburgh with pleasure excursions in the environs. Published by Adam and Charles…
2x Scottish History books to include Abredoniae Vtrivsque Descriptio: A Description of Both Touns of Aberdeen…
The Chronicles of Edinburgh, from Its Foundation in AD 617 to AD 1851 Stevenson, R H Published by Whyte,…
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