Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Quantity of Cricket books to include Pace Like Fire Wes Hall 1965, Cricket Umpiring David Constant 1981, My…
Not Sold
Assorted Book Selection some sporting titles, varying books, condition mixed A/G overall (box)
Golf Fiction/Murder Mystery Books Paperback books to include a Summer for Dying, A Deadly Game, A Safe Place…
"FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY" Of Historic Importance - Dunkirk Little Ship 'Mary Jane' as featured in the…
Houghton, George Golf Collection (19) hard back books, Golf Addict Goes East, Golf Addicts Galore, Portrait…
Assorted Book Selection including Life of Henry St George Tucker, The Faerie Queene, The Story of Mohammed,…
8x Volumes of the World at War by Orbis Publishing 1972 Some foxing noted to edges and end papers, does come…
Royalty - A King's Story 'The Memoirs of The Duke of Windsor' Book 1951 USA edition, HB with DJ, together…
Royalty - 1929 HRH The Prince of Wales Calendar features Jan-Decembers dates below oval portrait measuring…
Royalty - Rare Edward VIII 'Farewell Speech of King Edward the Eighth Broadcast from Windsor Castle' Book…
Royalty - 'The Private World of The Duke and Duchess of Windsor' Book by Hugo Vivkers, 1995, published by…
Royalty - Wallis, Duchess of Windsor Signed 'The Duchess of Windsor memoirs The Heart Has It's Reasons' Book…
Royalty - King Edward VIII Signed 'A King's Story' Book limited edition No89/250 1951, 'The Memoirs of HRH…
Mixed Box of Art and Collectables - Piece of Bamboo Art, Oriental Embroidery, La Rochelle Print, Autumn…
A collection assorted sports related books to cover Tennis, Golf, Athletics, Figure Skating sports injuries…
Germany - Rembrandt Engravings Book 'Twelve Engravings by the Great Master' containing in German, large…
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