Celebrating 25 Years of Business
c19th/20th century Continental Officers Sword with gilt bronze hilt and long diamond stiletto blade, hanger…
Not Sold
c1920s Nazi Germany NSAP Table Drape in satin and artificially silk hand cut and multi-piece stitched…
Nazi Germany 'Honour Type' SS-F.M contributing member lapel badge c1935 the reverse with a low early 1253…
1815 The Star Newspaper - features 'Battle of Waterloo….Map of the seat of War', contained within The Star…
WWII Camp Prisoner Cloth Number -Displays insignia issued to a Czechoslovakian political prisoner.
WWII Buchenwald Camp SS Bekleidungsmarke Rare metal clothing tag used for a grey long coat worn by SS at…
WWII - Dachau Post Liberation Photograph Set - Pair of interesting photos taken by a member of the US forces…
WWII - Lodz Ghetto Victim Documents - Pair of period documents and research notes with archive scans related…
WWII Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen Prisoner Letter dated 5th April 1942, on Camp letterhead, prisoner…
WWII - Theresienstadt Packet Confirmation Card (Auschwitz victim) unusual card issued to a prisoner at…
WWII - Albert Speer (1905-1981) Portrait of Adolf Hitler, c1939 - pencil on paper, 8.27 x 12.
Selection of Assorted Stamps and First Days Covers Churchill Centenary First Day Covers, Historic Stamps of…
Assorted Book Selection to include Aubrey's Brief Lives 1975, Treasure Island 1927, The Courts of The Morning…
Large Scrap Album containing Prints of Locomotives dated 1897-1898 but locos appear to be from 1860-1920, in…
Quantity of Photographs of India consisting of scenes of Railway Locomotives, topographical content,…
Richards, Frank Book Selection to include Billy Bunter in Brazil, Billy Bunter The Hiker, Bunter Comes For…
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