Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Boer War Souvenir Pond Coin, c1900. A copy in Brass of a Kruger 1 Pond (gold Sovereign coin).
Not Sold
Schneider Trophy Cup Air Races, 1927 White Metal Medallion - Obverse; Racing Seaplane, and winged Lion.
Boer War - Souvenir of HMS Terrible a napkin ring made from the Woodwork (probably from the Wardroom) with…
Mauritius - Early Stamp Collection 1848 -1850s Being a used 2 penny blue "Post Paid" of 1848. Of the 1850s;
Ceylon - Early Collection 18 Postage Stamps c1850/60s. All early Pence stamps
Bulgaria - Old Album Sheet of Early Postage Stamps, 1890s - has 8 stamps both used and unused ranging from…
Sweden - Sheets of Postage Stamps from An 1890s Album Collection of 40 stamps ranging from 1859 to 1889 on…
The New Mauretania Publication, 1939 an impressive large format 16-page publication with 11 large fine artist…
Boer War - Battle of Spion Kop & Relief of Kimberley, 1900 containing 30 graphic illustrations and p…
Boer War Certificate: Presented to The Men of The Naval Brigade, Portsmouth c1900 Impressive Banquet…
The Swastika - The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations Book by Thomas Wilson, US National Museum 1896,…
USA - Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York 1872 Book Vol III, 415pp, includes articles on…
USA - The War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series 1 Vol XXVIII Part…
USA - My Story of Anson Mills, Brigadier General US Army 1921 2nd edition, covers the Civil War, Sioux War…
USA - Mail Contracts etc Letter from The Postmaster General 1853 publication 929pp, lists mail contracts in…
USA - Tribunal of Arbitration to be Convened at Geneva Publication 1872 Washington, 204pp relates to the…
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