Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific;
Canada by J T Bealby 1909 88 page book, but with 12 attractive multicoloured plates taken from beautiful…
The Great Frozen Land by Frederick George Jackson, 1895 - 297 page book with over 40 illustrations and two…
United States of America - Prairie Experiences in Handling Cattle and Sheep by Major W Shepherd, 1884 - 256…
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The Vale Royal of England or, The County Palatine of Chester. To Which Is Annexed an Exact Chronology of All…
Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances Also Aseptic Hospital Furniture "Down Bros Ltd, 1906…
The General Character of The Dog by Joseph Taylor, 1821 an interesting 149-page book featuring anecdotal…
Early Canal Book: "A General History of Inland Navigation" by J Phillips 1809 5th edition, subtitled;
"The Official Illustrated Guide To The Great Western Railway" and The Official Illustrated Guide To The…
The Midland Railway by F S Williams, 1877 Book second edition, a compendious 678-page publication detailing…
Royal Train of Queen Victoria 31st August - 1st September 1900, travelling from Gosport To Ballater…
British Empire Exhibition, 1924 large colourful printed cloth illustrating 15 of the largest Pavilions at the…
Yorkshire Music Festival One Guinea Ticket Tuesday 28th September 1828 an attractively engraved for Haydn's…
First Public Performance of The Shakespearians, 1841 at Her Majesty's Theatre. Performance of "Richard III"…
Phonograph (Early Gramophone) Patent Document, 1899 - Patent for invention for playing up to 4-cylinder…
Valradio Ltd, London "Television Projectors" 1950 threefold brochure illustrating and detailing with…
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