Celebrating 25 Years of Business
The New Sporting Magazine "Bound Volume" 1845 - has 526 pages plus 34 pages of Racing Calendar at back.
Not Sold
The Australians (Cricket Team) 1930 Souvenir Cloth an impressive Souvenir Printed Cloth featuring The Captain…
Olympic Games - Los Angeles 1932 - a large 144 page book published in October 1932 detailing the Games with…
Mexico- Portrait of Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of Mexican Constitutionalists, 1910 Silk Cigarette Card…
Wartime Children's Comics Quite Scarce as not many printed particularly during World War II - collection of…
Palestine - Unusual Souvenir Booklet - c1880s-1900 - being of 12 photograph views of Jerusalem and other…
Home Front Printed Packaging Collection World War II period - lot of 70 assorted printing and packaging, many…
Russia - The Russian Shores of The Black Sea in 1852, with A Voyage Down The Volga and Through The Country of…
United States of America - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe 1852 - First English Edition same year…
The Chase, The Turf and The Road By Nimrod, with Illustrations by Henry Alken and a Portrait by D Maclise,…
1852 American Childrens Annual "Robert Merry's Museum and Parley's Magazine" Editor S G Goodrich.
Oxfordshire, Rutlandshire - "The Beauties of England and Wales" by J N Brewer 1813; a detailed Top…
Great Britain - Camden's Britannia Titled; Britannia Sive Florentissimorum Reg Norum, Angliae, Scotiae…
The Printers' Handbook by C T Jacobi, 1887 - 197 pages including an Index subtitled "Suggestions relating to…
Russia - Secret Memoirs of The Court of Petersburg by Charles Masson 1800 Subtitled "Particularly towards the…
Arctic - Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific;
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