Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Selection of Military / World War related Books - most appear as 1st editions to include signed Shots in the…
Selection of Hunting Books to include Robert Smith Surtees Creator of Jorrocks 1803-1864, The Sporting World…
Winston Churchill - The Great War 1933 by Winston Churchill Books - Vol I-III London: George Newnes, in blue…
30+ Press Photographs Film Stars Celebrities Actors, to include Maureen Lipman, Metal Mickey, Grace Kennedy,…
30+ Press Photographs Film Stars Celebrities Actors, to include John Nettles, Warren Mitchell, Sooty, Charlie…
40+ Press Photographs Singers Musicians Artists related lot, to include Kimberley Appleby, Jermaine Jackson,…
30+ Press Photographs Singers Musicians Artists related lot, to include Liza Minnelli (qty), Richard…
25 Press Photographs Political Figures, politicians and commentators, Martyn Lewis, Tony Blair, David…
10 Press Photographs Beatles related pictures to include Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, Ringo Star, all…
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by Edgar Lucas illustrated by Arthur Rackham, early Constable edition…
1857 Ordnance Geological Survey Map of Carmarthenshire, published 1857 by Sir R I Murchinson printing on…
Macbrayne Royal Mail Shipping Centenary 1851-1951 Booklet 42-page booklet with photographs and illustration,…
1888 Scottish athletic Journal & Cycling Gazette -January -May 1888 bound sporting newspapers, with early…
Egyptian Islamic Sterling Silver .800 Coin Dish, with a large silver coin to centre, 59g in weight 11.
Small Antique Japanese Carved Marine Ivory Fishing figure with spear and fish, 7cm tall, has some damage to…
c1929 The Channel Tunnel Lecture Baron Emile B d'Erlanger Lecture, notes plus Channel Tunnel Parliamentary…
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