Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Original 8" x 10" promotional photo of a star "Libertad Lamarque" printed on card stock for "La Corona y…
Not Sold
Cuba Selection - 1933 Las Conferencias del Shoreham (el cesarismo en Cuba) Book – written by former…
Early Glass Slide depicting a group of gentlemen smartly dressed within a grand room of sort, some tears…
No Lot
Aviation Autograph – Claude Grahame-White Signed Postcard an English pioneer of aviation ‘Daily Mail…
Aviation Autograph – Alfred Leblanc Signed Postcard a French pioneer of aviation, inscribed to the front,…
Aviation Autograph – Claude Grahame-White Signed Postcard an English pioneer of aviation date Aug 5th 1911,…
Peter Cotes – Original Director of ‘The Mousetrap’ Signed Typed Letter - inscribed ‘Personal and…
Aviation Autograph – General JH Doolittle Signed Photograph an American General and aviation pioneer,…
Entertainment Autograph Selection includes a wide selection of various female entertainers including Heather…
Americana – Moore’s Rural New Yorker a National illustrated, Rural, Literary and Family Newspaper 1870s…
WWII Era - 69x Meccano magazine 1940-1945 and 1947 – appears complete apart from 3 issues in 1941.
Mixed Selection of Catalogues and Ephemera to include Auction Catalogue 1867, various Church Booklets, The…
Practical Mechanic Magazine 1930s/40s Selection by Newnes with various issues, condition varies A/G overall…
Marilyn Monroe ‘Niagara - In Bed’ Fine Pencil Drawing – finely executed with ‘RF76’ signed in pen…
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