Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Marson C L – Super Flumina Angling Observations of a Coarse Fisherman 1905 1st edition
Martin J W – The Trent Otter’s Little Angling Book original paper cover boards split to cover
Menzies W J M – The Salmon its Life Story 1931 New Edition, illustrations and Charts, fine copy in original…
Mottram J C – Sea Trout and other Fishing Studies 1920 1st edition together with Trout Fisheries their care…
Not Sold
Mottram J C – Fly Fishing some new arts and mysteries 1921 with Sea Trout and other studies both original…
Cholmondelay-Pennell H – The Modern Practical Angler 1870 coloured frontis of flies other illustrations…
Cholmondelay-Pennell H – The Modern Practical Angler 1870 coloured frontis of flies other illustrations red…
Fletcher, Phinehas – Piscatory Eclogues with other Poetical Miscellanies Edinburgh 1771 1st edition re…
Pulman G P R – The Vade Mecum of Fly Fishing for Trout, London 1846, 2nd edition re-written and greatly…
Revoil Benedict Henry – Peches Dans L’Amerique Du Nord, published Paris 1863 1st edition in original ½…
Reynolds James – The Oarsman’s and Anglers Map of the Thames from its source to London Bridge 1895 approx…
Robertson R Macdonald – In Scotland with a Fishing Rod 1935 1st edition together with Lure of the Lochs by…
Chetham James – The Anglers Vade Mecum or, A Compendious, Yet Full Discourse of Angling 1700, printed by…
Jenkins J T – The Sea Fisheries London 1920, illustrated, original binding, book plate Marquis Penderel Di…
Grey Sir Edward – Fly fishing, London 1899 2nd edition 7 illustrations 2 been coloured plate of flies, some…
Geen Philip –What I Have seen While Fishing 1924 with signed letter from George Geen, original binding
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