Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Nottingham Broadside 1802 - A List of the Sheriffs for the county of Nottingham, From the Year 1700 to the…
Not Sold
Ships Loading Advert C.1790 At Clifton-House-Key – For Hull and York, the Prudence Thomas White, Master…
C.1830 Broadside – Magnus Jackson ‘Consulite in medium, et rebus Succurrite fessis’ To prove the…
France - Death Sentence for ‘Emigres’ who take up arms against the French Regime 1792 – small folio,…
Business Agency Advert 1804 – John Townsend Estate and Canal Office, Proprietary Shares in Grand Junction,…
C.1780 Manuscript Medical Receipt entitled ‘A Genuine Receipt to make the true Eau de Luce’ an i…
Australia 1925 – George Hurd Autograph Letter to Alan Raffin apologising for the delay in responding,…
Broadside c.1840 – ‘Stedalls Patent Scolecothic Ventilator’– cure all smoky chimneys caused by wind,…
C.1718 A Song in the Comedy called Woman’s a Riddle’ by C. Bullock set by William Turner single sheet…
C.1785 John Clarke Pupil of Bartolozzi Engraving ‘The Lord Major requests the Honour of your Company to…
Charles II By The King – 1680 A Proclamation For a General Fast Broadside - printed by the Assigns of John…
C. 1800 Archduke Charles (1771-1847) Austrian Military Commander Broadside – His R:H:ye Archduke Charles,…
1773 A Synopsis of all Data for the Construction of Triangles, from which Geometrical Solutions have hitherto…
Scotland - C.1728 Broadside - Instructions Given by the Commissioners and Trustees For Improving the…
Somerset – Large Broadside ‘Valuable Estates to Be Sold by Auction’ At North-Petherton, Lyng, Spaxton,…
C.1830 Broadside ‘Vegetable Ivory or Nuts of the Ivory Plant’ A. Shand, London printers, a description of…
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