Celebrating 25 Years of Business
5x Assorted Woods to include a dark stained spoon with a large central brass punch dot face insert stamped J…
C Gibson and Son Westward Ho! Stripe Top Driver in light stained persimmon plus a Jas Stephens stripe top…
Light Stained Persimmon Stripe Top Driver Stamped Jas Stephens plus a large head brassie with central brass…
2x Harry Vardon Large Size Woods to include a driver and a brassie, plus a small head Anderson of St Andrews…
2x Tom Morris St Andrews Clubs to include a small head brassie with triangular sole insert and a putting…
5x Assorted Socket Neck Woods including a W Andrews Stripe top brassie with central fibre face insert, Chas…
6x Assorted Socket Neck Woods including an S Sherratt stripe top spoon with large head, an A Rogers deep…
6x Assorted Socket Neck Woods to include a large head driver stamped Hugh Dewar of Troon, another large head…
Matching Pair of Tom Brace Super Woods stamped Ringway Golf Club Cheshire, a driver and a spoon with central…
JH Taylor Autograph Cann and Taylor Compact Hybrid styled lofted fairway wood with full brass sole plate,…
CA Whitcomb Stripe Topped Deep Faced Large Head Long Spoon together with a pear shaped dark stained persimmon…
Silver Dint Driver: A dark stained beech wood with silver insert and full sole plate showing the patent…
2x good size drivers – D. McKenzie Ramsay Golf Club Isle of Wight larege light stained persimmon club…
Allan, David Scottish Artist (1744-1796) after – oil on canvas copy of the original painting WM INGLIS ON…
Not Sold
Brown, Michael (1853-1947) after “HOYLAKE - THE PUNCH BOWL HOLE” – foursomes match annotated to border…
Edwards, Lionel ( 1878-1966) after “A THREESOME” AND “STYMIED” -a pair of rare chromolithographs…
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