Celebrating 25 Years of Business
4x Anderson of Anstruther Clubs to include 2x concentric back irons, a driving iron and a mid-iron, together…
3x D Adams Irons with 2x by Nicol Zenith model a flanged sole iron by Tom Stewart, together with 2x putters,…
3x Rustless Irons to include a matching mashie and mashie niblick together with an Esdell Challenger driving…
10x Assorted Irons including by various makers including Maxwell model, Winton, Condie, Cochrane, Jacques, JB…
Half Set of Stainless Clubs to include 4x irons of which include 2x Irons and mashie by Tom Stewart stamped…
4x Matching Clubs for GC Anderson of Seascale in rustless metal and L mid-iron, a deep faced mashie, a…
9x Assorted Irons by makers Stewart, Cochrane, Gourlay, Tinnie mashie plus others, together in a corduroy and…
3x Smith’s Patent Anti-Shank Irons by Gibson of Kinghorn including a flanged sole No 5 and 7 iron, and a…
6x Golf Clubs in a faux leather bag to include 2x Josh Taylor large head woods, a driver and spoon together…
3x Left Hand Golf Clubs to include a baffie, 2x niblicks incl a James Braid with a Forgan shaft stamp and a…
Good period leather oval shaped golf bag c/w leather shoulder strap, travel/accessory hood, and ball pocket…
Good period leather oval shaped golf bag c/w leather shoulder strap, travel/accessory hood, and double side…
Good period leather pencil shaped golf bag – c/w leather shoulder strap, travel hood, and ball pocket with…
Good “Colonel Made in Scotland” period leather circular shaped golf bag – c/w leather shoulder strap,…
Good leather and canvas pencil style golf bag – c/w shoulder strap, ball pocket and period golf ball cleaner
Not Sold
Good period leather and canvas pencil golf bag – c/w shoulder strap, travel hood and ball pocket
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