Celebrating 25 Years of Business
9x Various Irons to include a round head Champion niblick, a Gourlay mashie niblick, Gibson long iron, Celtic…
4x Arthur Day Golf Clubs including 2x by Tom Stewart, and a No1 mashie all stamped Ganton, plus a Ladies wry…
Concave Face Back Spin Styled Mashie with deep grooved face marks
Good Selection of 9x Assorted Irons to include a diamond back mashie, Staynorus mashie, 3x mashie niblicks…
Set of Ladies Golf Clubs with Golf Bag comes in a good canvas and leather golf bag including a bag stand and…
7x Various Irons including The Skelpie round soled long iron by the Rangefinder Golf Co., a Tom Stewart…
6x Assorted Irons to include a Tom Stewart mid-iron and mashie, a Jock Macdonald Excelsior mashie, Davega of…
2x Unusual Irons including a Harry Vardon of Ganton mid-iron with diagonal deep face markings and an Alex…
Superb Polished Jack White of Gullane Palakona Shafted No.8 Iron with a grooved flanged sole, stamped with…
‘The Scuffler’ River-Zambra Approach Putter with shallow near rectangular shaped head
Scarce Spalding Bros Robert T Jones Jnr Kro-flite patent flange sole no.7 Iron fitted with the original…
George M Gordon heavy smf mid-mashie Iron clearly stamped with makers signature, Accurate arrow and horse…
5x Various Interesting Irons to include a Geo G Bussey patent steel socket lofting iron with Bussey Pat…
Scarce Tom Stewart ‘RTJ’ Mashie Niblick with the inspection dot to the toe stamped CE Hobley
Tom Stewart Tweenie Round Backed Iron stamped Ben Sayer North Berwick complete with maker’s shaft stamp…
Tom Stewart R Foulis Mid-Iron with punch dot face markings
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