Celebrating 25 Years of Business
6x assorted irons: 2x Maxwell’s, driving iron and mid iron, J.H Taylor autograph Sammy, Nicoll Zenith 2…
6x various mid irons - Alex Patrick Leven Diamond back, Spalding, Robert Condie smf iron, Spalding Jigger,…
Not Sold
5x niblicks and m/niblicks – 2x niblicks by Tom Stewart and Spalding; and 3 m/niblicks a Stopum, J B Halley…
6x various irons: Burr Bilt “Stylist” fancy faced mid iron, G Nicoll for Stewart Burns, Cruden Bay 3…
5x Niblicks and m/niblicks irons –Maxwell niblick, Oversized Zenith model niblick, W Vardon, Weybridge…
5x interesting niblicks - Gene Sarazen Ogo-Mented niblick, Gibson Westward Ho! Fairlie’s anti shank, Ridged…
5x interesting selection of golf clubs: Anderson Anstruther concave face round back mashie niblick, 2 x R…
Gibson Kinghorn smf round back driving iron stamped British Golf Co Ltd London fitted with a replaced hide…
6x interesting irons - James Braid Autograph concentric back iron showing the Gibson star mark;
5x Maxwell golf clubs – an iron. 2x mid irons, mashie and a putter in a good canvass and leather pencil…
5x Alex Patrick Leven irons and golf bag – mashie, jigger, an iron, diamond back mid iron and an L Model…
9x various golf clubs – T Tait cleek, Super mashie, mid iron, Stella Royal crown mashie niblick, 2x Tom…
9x various irons- Sure Shot no. 3 iron; 2x Tom Stewart a driving mashie and niblick; 3x Hendry and Bishop…
5x various golf clubs and golf bag – incl Gibson persimmon driver, Bobbie no. 2 iron; Ayres no. 3 iron;
5x various golf clubs – A Forgan Glasgow mashie; The Tay mashie; J Moore driving iron; Joe Anderson Perth…
5x various smf irons – Fairlie’s Pat mid iron, Tom Stewart mid iron, diamond back long iron, smf lofting…
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