Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Houghton, George Golf Collection (20 ) – ‘Golf Addicts Among The Irish’, “Golf Addicts On Parade”…
Hutchinson, Horace, G (2) – “Hints on The Game of Golf” 12th ed 1903 publ’d William Blackwood and…
Irish Golf History Books to incl William H Gibson signed - “Early Irish Golf-The 1st Courses, Clubs and…
Irish Golf Books to incl “Golf Greens of Ireland - a nostalgic look by John Hanna” publ’d 2002 in…
Irish Golf Club Centenary and other books (15) – to incl signed Pat Ruddy “50 Years In A Bunker-The…
Not Sold
Irish signed golf books to incl “Early Irish Golf – The First Courses, Clubs and Pioneers” by William…
Irish signed golf books to include “The Brewing Loop” by George F Crosbie signed by the author to the…
Jeanneau G, Kazmierczak JB and Douglas Seaton signed “Arnaud Massy- A Chronicle” signed by all authors…
Kaplan, Jim (ed) - “Wilson - Golf History - Catalogs” 2nd edition 2000 dedicated to the memory of Gene…
Kelly G.M signed - “Golf In New Zealand-A Centennial History” 1st ed 1971 publ’d by the New Zealand…
Kelly, Leo – signed “Antique Golf Ball Reference and Price Guide” 1st ed 1993 – original wrappers…
Kennedy, Patrick - “Golf Club Trademarks - American 1898-1930” 1st edition 1984 the original wrappers…
Kuntz, Bob signed – “Antique Golf Clubs: Their Restoration and Preservation” published New York 1990,…
Kuntz, Bob – “Antique Golf Clubs: Their Restoration and Preservation” published New York 1990, in the…
Leigh- Bennett, E.P - "Some Friendly Fairways" publ’d by Southern Railway 1st edition 1930 complete with…
Lewis, Peter N, Grieve, Fiona C and Mackie, Keith – signed - “Art and Architecture of the Royal and…
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