Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Scarce VIP programme on glossy paper for England Schoolboys v Scotland played at Wembley Stadium 5 April…
Not Sold
Unusual VIP programme on glossy paper for the 1954 Cup Final. It is believed a small number of Cup Final…
A collection of 33 1940’s football programmes kept in a small binder - Good mix of clubs, includes Arsenal…
A collection of 1950’s football programmes in varying condition, worth a good inspection. (102)
Various football memorabilia from the 1950’s onwards. Includes Charles Buchan’s and other magazines,…
A collection of football programmes of minor cups such as Texaco Cup, Watney Cup, Welsh Cup, County Cups plus…
A collection of Non-League in the FA Cup football programmes from the late 1950’s onwards.
Collection of British clubs in European competition football programmes from both the UK and Overseas from…
Fine collection of friendlies and testimonial football programmes - different programmes mainly from the…
A collection football programmes of foreign clubs in European Competitions, domestic Leagues etc.
Good collection of European Final football programmes from the 1970’s onwards. Also includes some World Cup…
Ex. Press mans’s collection of Press packs, colour team sheets, for European Football memorabilia, special…
Large box of Non-League football programmes from the 1970’s onwards, 100 of different programmes, includes…
Scarce Limited Edition hardback FA Cup Final football programmes from 2000 onwards in excellent condition. (5)
Collection of different Cup Finals from the late 1960’s onwards, well worth a look as high retail value.
Good assortment of European Competition football programmes, Friendlies, Finals, Semi-Finals, Internationals…
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