Celebrating 25 Years of Business
SPECIMEN CABINET: A fine mahogany wood stained specimen collectors cabinet, 10 slide out drawers each with…
REEL: Hardy The Elarex nickel plated bait casting multiplier reel, fine condition, casting brake ratchet and…
REEL: A rare Ltd Edition B Grantham replica Dick Walker BB centre pin alloy reel, based on the pair…
ROD: Normark 17’ 3 piece carbon Spey casting salmon fly rod, line rate 10/11/12, grey blank, Seymo lined…
EPHEMERA: Five original colour posters relating to the One Man One Rod exhibition, 1981, A5 size, two large…
REEL: Hardy all brass Birmingham plate wind reel, 2.5” diameter, Rod in Hand and oval logos to faceplate,…
REEL: Hardy The Decantelle Reel Mk1, 4” diameter drum casting reel, twin black handles and brake lever…
REELS: (3) Collection of 3 Hardy Hardex spinning reels, all half bail, No.1 Mk1 with chrome flier, No.
FLY BOX: Fine Hardy Neroda mottled brown dry fly box, 6.25”x4”, celluloid sliding lids over compartment…
ACCESSORIES: (3) Allcock Jeffery Jardine Patent disgorger with hook scale to rear, an Allcock pike scissor…
FLY TYING MATERIALS: Good collection of fly tying materials incl. various swivel head vices, assorted tools,…
REELS & ACCESSORIES: Varied collection of reels and accessories incl. a 6” mahogany/brass starback reel,…
REEL & ACCESSORIES: Rare Southcott’s Patent 9” mahogany and brass Scarborough pattern reel, 4 large…
ACCESSORY: Fine early Victorian one piece wood carved line/float winder, 5.25”x2.75”, 2 slot model,…
SALMON FLIES: (4) Four large traditional gut eye salmon flies dressed by EJ Kublin, a Laxford 8/0, a Bewley…
REEL: Hardy St. John 3 7/8” alloy fly reel, in as new condition, 2 screw latch, black handle, rim tension…
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