Celebrating 25 Years of Business
China Map 1793 Sketch of the Pay-Ho or White River and of the road from PEKIN to GEHO taken 1793, engraved by…
1933 Art Deco Bronze Medallion ‘Crociera Aerea Del Decennale’ by R. Morbiducci, with ‘Romana-Chicago…
Not Sold
Neville Chamberlain 1938 Plated Medal ‘Peace in Our Time’ by V. Demanet for Fisch, bust left Neville…
1941-1942 Krim Campaign Shield four claw fittings broken off, no cloth back, together with an Army Metal cap…
WWII German and US field telephones both in excellent condition, untested (2)
WWII RAF Items: including assorted button, shoulder bagdes etc. in cigar case, swagger stick, survival kite,…
A collection of classic WWII helmets - comprised of 2x Brodie or Tommy helmets, a Zuckerman or Civil…
WWII RAF pilots service dress cap, cigarette case and watch belonging to Allan Francis McKinnon - the Elgin…
Varying Cigarette Card Sets includes three frames containing 1930s cigarette cards featuring army, vehicles…
Collection of classic WWII gas masks – to consist of 1 infant , 4x civilian gas masks (varying conditions…
WWI Relics from the battlefield of the famous Christmas Truce 1914 mounted in a frame and a rare Royal…
Sterling Mark 4 Sub Machine Gun with deactivation certificate classic machine gun with folding stock, this…
Selection of WWII Torches – includes 2x British and 1x German, British D.B. Ltd L E No 4 torch flash light…
3x WWII German back packs/tornisters two are maker marked, one is not which was typical of late war examples.
A WWII German vehicle first aid metal box, winter help collecting tin, belt and a gas mask canister.
1940s briefcase full of WWII related children’s items including comic, cigarette cards, ration book and a…
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