Celebrating 25 Years of Business
1965 John Lennon ‘A Spaniard In The Works’ Book first edition, Jonathan Cape London, HB, with minor wear…
Not Sold
Autographed 1950 Royal Film Performance Programme at Empire Theatre Cardiff signed to the back to include…
Entertainment Autograph Photographs to include Leonardo Di Caprio, Samuel Jackson, Barry Manilow, Roger…
Entertainment Autograph Selection a varied collection of autographs many dedicated to ‘Denny’, includes…
Selection of Assorted Theatre Programmes includes a real mixed variety of shows and musicals, some early…
1950s Street and Smith’s ‘Detective Monthly’ Magazines includes 1954, 1955 and 1956 issues incomplete,…
1973 Adult Magazine ‘Playgirl’ includes two copies of September and July, all three appear in good…
Selection of 1950s onwards Theatre Programmes to include a variety of musical performances, also includes a…
Picnic Set in Wicker Basket comes with 2x Thermos (1925) flasks, 4x Piece Cutlery set, 2x Glass Jars, 2x…
Assorted Costume Jewellery to include bangles, necklaces, rings etc. all cleaned (Quantity)
Arrangements of 1937 Coronation Book contained within Slipcase, together with Empire Parliamentary Conference…
‘The Historie Booke’ a tale of two worlds and five centuries 1537, 1638, 1903 remembrance of the…
1869 The Rise of The Dutch Republic Books by J.L. Motley, three volumes, published George Routledge and Sons,…
Napoleon and the Invasion of England Vol I and II Books The Story of The Great Terror by H.F.B.
1904 The War In South Africa Book authorised translation by Colonel W. H. H. Waters, R.A, C.V.O.
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