Celebrating 25 Years of Business
1962 British Rugby League Tour to Australia official team photograph - issued to Derek Turner (Vice Captain -…
Not Sold
1962 British Rugby League Touring Team – Australasian Tour 1962 official team photograph - panoramic…
1954/55 Rugby League County Championship silver gilt and enamel medal - engraved on the reverse “Winners…
1958 Lancashire County Rugby League Senior Cup silver and enamel winners medal – engraved on back…
1959/60 Northern Rugby League runners-up medal - silver gilt and enamel medal won by Wakefield Trinity and…
1959/60 Yorkshire Rugby League winners medal - silver gilt and enamel medal won by Wakefield Trinity…
1961/62 Yorkshire Rugby League winners medal - silver gilt and enamel medal won by Wakefield Trinity…
1961/62 Yorkshire County Northern Rugby Football Union Challenge Cup winners medal – won by Wakefield…
1962/63 Rugby League Challenge Cup 9ct gold and enamel winners medal – won by Wakefield and Captained by…
1960 Rugby League World Cup winners medal – rare medal produced in 1990 by Lincoln Financial Group and…
Rare 1962 Great Britain v France Rugby League Presentation Bronze Medal – the obverse embossed with a crown…
1971 Rugby League Challenge Cup Final runners up silver medal – Leeds (7) v Leigh (21) played at Wembley on…
Rare 1960 Rugby League Challenge Cup Final Rugby Ball, photograph and a signed programme – Hull v Wakefield…
1960 Wakefield Trinity Rugby League Challenge Cup Final signed programme, signed dinner menu and a team match…
1960 Wakefield Trinity Rugby League Challenge Cup Final programmes, team match broad sheet and newspaper –…
Rare 1963 Rugby League Challenge Cup Final signed Rugby Ball, photograph and a signed programme – Wakefield…
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