Celebrating 25 Years of Business
ROD: Sharpe’s Aquarex 9’ 6 piece + spare butt graphite travel trout fly rod, in as new condition, line…
ROD: Loop of Sweden Green Line 7’8” 3 piece + spare tip graphite trout fly rod, line rate 2/3, cork…
ACCESSORIES: (2) Fine Young’s of Harrow The Traditional 2 piece bamboo coarse fisherman’s landing net…
RODS: (2) Hardy Favourite Graphite Salmon Fly rod, 14’ 3 piece, line rate 10, grey blank, purple whipped…
Not Sold
ROD: Drennan IM8 Specimen Float rod, 12’9” 3 piece woven carbon, TC2lb plus action, lined guides, 24”…
ROD: Alex Martin Glasgow The Eskdale 14’ 3 piece + spare power tip, split cane salmon fly rod, black close…
ROD: Bruce & Walker Multispin Carbon 10’8” 2 piece rod, casting weight 8-20grams, burgundy whipped Fuji…
ROD: Diawa Whisker Spinning 9’ rod, 2 piece, Scottish Thistle logo, casting weight 10-50grams, cork handle…
ROD: Daiwa 13’ 3 piece Carbon Worming rod, black whipped lined guides throughout, 25” cork handle with…
ROD: Forest of Kelso Grants Vibration pattern 12’ 3 piece spliced salmon fly rod with correct spare tip,…
ROD: Diawa Wilderness 15’ 3 piece graphite salmon fly rod, line rate 11, blue blank, bronze whipped large…
ROD: Farlow Elf 6’10” 2 piece split cane brook trout fly rod, bronze whipped snake guides, bronze…
ROD: Hardy Graphite Salmon Fly Deluxe Rod, 15’4” 3 piece, burgundy whipped low bridge guides, ferrule…
WADING STAFF: Milward’s Finmaster Orchy style combined gaff/wading staff, 48” bamboo handle with screw…
ROD & STAFF: (2) Playfair of Aberdeen Sole Maker, 15’ 3 piece with correct spare tip, greenheart salmon fly…
RODS: (3) Collection of 3 vintage pike and pier style rods, a Modern Arms Neptune 8’ 2 piece heavy split…
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