Celebrating 25 Years of Business
6x assorted rustless irons mostly mashies, m/niblick and a niblick - makers include George Nicoll one with…
7x various smf irons one with hand punched dot face markings makers include Spalding Sammy, Tom Stewart, A…
6x various irons ranging from cleek to a mashie makers include Tom Stewart, Charles Warren Knocke Belgium, R…
6x various irons to incl 4x mashie niblick/niblicks plus a mid-iron and L model driving iron and makers…
Pair of matching H Crapper rustless irons to include a mid-iron and a mashie both stamped with the Masonic…
5 various restless irons ranging from an iron to a niblick makers include Winton Montrose, Donaldson…
7x various irons and pencil golf bag incl 4x mashie, mashie niblicks and niblick, makers include Spalding…
9x various irons to incl 4 x mashie and mashie niblicks, 3x smf et al – makers incl Winton “The…
4x various irons – to incl Stadium Golf Company Deep Face Mashie (shaft bowed), Gibson Star mashie niblick…
2 interesting rustless lofting/sand irons to include Maxwell wide flanged lofting iron/sand iron and…
3 interesting smooth faced irons including an unnamed elongated cleek with a sharp crease c.
5 interesting irons to include 3x Tom Stewart pipe brands, a smooth faced niblick and a wide sole smooth face…
Ben Sayer Jr Royal Wimbledon left hand Maxwell driving iron fitted with a replaced hide grip
5 smooth faced irons from a driving iron to a niblick - makers include Beattie Leven, D&W Auchterlonie North…
6 interesting irons to include James Braid Walton Heath mashie niblick, Wm Gibson & Co Kinghorn Genie model…
11x various irons and a canvas and leather golf bag – incl 2x early coated steel shafts – otherwise…
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