Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Kato, Shunsuke ‘What Makes a Good Golf Course Good’ 1991 Kato International, illustrated, Japan/English…
Kroeger, R signed - ‘The Golf Courses of Old Tom Morris’ a Look at Early Golf Course Architecture 1995 -…
Ladies Golf Book Selection including a signed ‘For the Good of Golf and St Andrews’ 1998 signed by Marcia…
Lang, Andrew – ‘Golfing Papers’ in illustrative cloth boards, 123p, illustrated, appears to have…
Lang, Andrew & Others - ‘A Batch of Golfing Papers’ 1st ed 1892 with original red and gilt pictorial…
Lang, Andrew & Others - ‘A Batch of Golfing Papers’ - 1st ed 1892 with original red and gilt pictorial…
Leach, Henry (Ed) - “Great Golfers in the Making” 1st ed 1907 in original red and gilt cloth boards and…
Leigh - Bennett, E. P-“ Some Friendly Fairways" published by Southern Railway 1st edition 1930 complete…
Lewis, Peter N - signed ‘The Dawn of Professional Golf’ 1st edition 1995 ltd ed. 455/1000 complete with…
Lewis, Peter; Grieve, Fiona and Mackie, Keith -“Art and Architecture of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club”…
Louden, David FEIS– signed “Biographical Sketch of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Lyon Playfair, Provost of…
Low, J. L - “F.G. Tait -A Record, Being His Life, Letters, And Golfing Diary” 1st ed in the original…
2x fine Wilson’s “Johnny Revolta” steel coated clubs to incl an early sand iron with punched dot face…
Ben Hogan - fine set of Ben Hogan limited edition Personal clubs and tour bag comprising 3x Hogan Speed Slot…
Fine Set of McGregor Tourney Keyhole persimmon woods c. 1965 – with black and gold keysite face inserts…
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