Celebrating 25 Years of Business
3x various socket head woods to include an Anderson Special L model driver, Walter Tomlinson Special spoon,…
4x various attractive socket head woods to include a very attractive Harry Cawsey Angsol patent brassie with…
Fine Jack White Autographed socket head stripe topped spoon with half brass sole plate and fitted with its…
3x fine A G Spalding & Company woods and putter to include 2 matching patent light stained persimmon…
2x James Braid socket head woods to incl “Special” persimmon driver and James Braid Autograph brassie…
2x James Braid socket head brassies to incl “Special” persimmon driver and James Braid Autograph brassie…
2x James Braid blonde persimmon socket head brassies to incl “Special” persimmon and James Braid…
3x various woods to include Alex Patrick shallow faced socket head driver with curved sole, and to splice…
Collection of various junior golf clubs to include 2x brassies one stamped “B” to the Crown, a mid iron,…
Rare Wm Park left hand late transitional scare head brassie c.1890 with leather face insert, 3x circular rear…
3x various socket head woods to include a Rangefinder left hand striped top socket head driver with brass…
2x fine matching J Murray Pitlochry socket head woods a brassie and spoon - both with striped tops, brass…
Fine Jas Sherlock Hunstanton “Robert H D’Montmorency” large blond head shallow faced driver with white…
Fine Everard Gray Gog Maggog G.C large socket head brassie – with full brass sole plate, stripe top and…
Fine Geo Duncan Patent Cuirass socket head wood fitted with integral face and part sole insert showing the…
Fine Tom Auchterlonie St Andrews scare head brassie c/w full brass sole plate, and makers shaft stamp below…
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