Celebrating 25 Years of Business
6x Various smooth faced irons including a small head driving iron by Scott Elie, P Caffety Barnton mid iron…
7x Assorted smooth faced cleeks in varying lengths including J&R Crichton, DM Nicol small head, R Simpson…
6x Assorted jiggers including a Tom Morris Maxwell model with flanged sole, another stamped Thornton and Co,…
6x Assorted irons including a Musselback approaching cleek by Anderson Anstruther, a D&W Auchterlonie North…
7x Assorted mashies by various makers including an Alex Patrick Edinburgh deep mashie, a Tom Wilson Scottish…
6x Assorted irons with various face markings including a Harry Vardon signature mashie by Tom Stewart with…
8x Assorted irons by various makers including an Auchterlonie St Andrews mashie by Tom Stewart with fine…
7x Assorted irons including a juvenile cleek with the serpent mark stamped D McEwan Musselburgh, a Martin and…
6x Mashie irons including a Tom Stewart driving mashie with Stewart’s oval maker’s mark and inspection…
5x Left hand irons including 4x mashies by makers including Gibson, D Adams, Winton, Martin and Kirkcaldy…
5x Irons including 4x cleeks including AH Scott Elie with POWF mark, t/w a diamond backed mid iron stamped R…
3x Lofting irons including 1x smf stamped unicorn and lofter to the blade, another unnamed, t/w with a M.
2x W Park Maker Musselburgh smf irons, a cleek and a niblick showing the maker’s mark to the shaft - both…
3x smooth faced irons stamped W Park Musselburgh including a deep faced driving iron, mashie will a maker’s…
3x smooth faced cleeks including a Nicoll Leven stamped Leith to the blade, a Davidson Musselburgh showing…
Deep faced mid iron stamped Vardon Sandwich, a D & W Auchterlonie mid iron with a clear stamp mark to the…
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