Celebrating 25 Years of Business
South Africa – The Spion Kop Despatches: Documents pertaining to the Spion Kop operations of January 1900…
Naval Brigade Despatches: Reprint of the HMSO publication of 1901, being copies of despatches in regard to…
Not Sold
South African War 1899-1902 Burdett Coutts MP: A scrapbook of press cuttings and pictorial ephemera including…
Rosslyn (Earl of) (ed) – The Gram a Social Magazine founded by British Prisoners of War in Pretoria: London…
WW1 French Framed Diplome D’ Honneur Medal: Issued by the Ministere De La Guerre (Ministry of War) to…
French Framed Diplome D’Honneur Medal: Issued by the Ministere Des Travaux Publics Des Transports (Ministry…
WW1 French Framed Medaille Commemorative De La Grande Guerre Medal: Issued to Louis Goulois 148th Regiment…
Scarce WW2 French Framed Prison of War Medal: Issued to Fernand Barbier Classe of 1922 19th RR framed…
Scarce 1926 National Strike London Police Photograph and Certificate: To consist of Special Constabulary…
WW1 German Medal Sticker Book: Impressive sticker book having 392 full colour illustrated cards mounted in a…
1855-1874 LSGC Long Service Medal: To 1110 Pte E Newton 7th Hussars
1855-1874 LSGC Long Service Medal: To 699 Pte J Crowden 7th Hussars
George V LSGC Long Service Medal: To 45672 Sjt H C Hill 7/Hrs 7th Hussars
WW1 BWM & Victory Pair & Long Service Medal: 6323 Pte J A Mansfield 7-Hrs 7th Hussars
WW1 BWM & Victory Pair & Long Service Medal: 1803 Pte J Perkins 7-Hrs 7th Hussars
1901/02 Bar KSA Kings South Africa Medal: 3030 Pte R Hodge Cameron Highlanders
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