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WWII Set of Adolf Hitler German Plans to invade Ireland consisting of two photo booklets covering the North…
WWII Nazi Propaganda Publication Odal Monatsschrift fur Blut and Boden [Monthly magazine for blood and soil]…
WWII Nazi Propaganda Publication Volk und Rasse (People and Race), No 4 for May 1938, rare publication…
Original Press Photographs taken by Henrich Hoffman depicting Adolf Hitler and Nazi related scenes all…
WWII Rumania important archive of documents concerning the Rumanian Government in exile during WWII,…
WWII Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf unexpurgated edition in English, Hurst & Blackett 1939. DJ still present, slight…
WWII Adolf Hitler excessively rare Transcript of Speech being the transcript of Hitler's speech to the…
WWII Rare Adolf Hitler 50th Birthday Edition of Mein Kampf Book the rare edition produced in 1939 for the…
WWII Aviation the Luftwaffe souvenir books consisting of privately produced souvenir books covering the…
WWII Large SS ledger the title to front cover ‘Auptamt SS Bericht Amstelle Rechnungs-Kontr’ [Main Office…
Collection of Original 1937 Hand Drawn Architectural Drawings of Adolf Hitler’s Teahouse ‘Teehaus…
Original Architectural Layout of Adolf Hitler’s boyhood home in Leonding dated Linz, September 1940,…
WWII Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun Silver Cutlery Selection to include a fish knife (20cm) and fork (17.
Rare Button Gwinnett 1735-1777 Signature an Englishman born in Gloucester, emigrated to Georgia and became a…
India and the Punjab The Life of John Nicholson soldier and administrator Book by Caption Lionel Trotter,…
India Rulers of India Ranjit Singh Book and the Sikh barrier between our growing empire and central Asia, by…
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