Celebrating 25 Years of Business
Rickards & Bannister - "The Great Modern Pike Anglers" 1st ed 2006, Rogowski, Dr. S - "Pike Fishing In The UK…
Rickards & Bannister - "The Great Modern Pike Anglers" 1st ed 2006, Ladle & Masters - "Tactical Pike Fishing"…
Marsden & Wintle - "Practical Carp Fishing" 1st ed 2009, Miles, T - "The Carp Years" 1st ed 2006, No.
12x Trout Fishing & Fly Tying Books incl. - Cockwill, P - "Trout From Small Still Waters" 1st ed 2006,…
Cockwill, P - "Trout From Small Still Waters" 1st ed 2006, Cawthorne, J - "Flies, Flowers, Fur & Feather" 1st…
Humphreys, J - "Trout Tactics" 1993 ed, Crawford, L - "Trout Talk" 1st ed 2004, Scheck, A - "Fly Fishing…
Gonzales, L - "Fly Fishing Pressured Water" 1st ed 2005, Van Vleit, J - "The Art Of Fly Tying" 1st ed 2007…
Hastings, M - "Country Fair" 1st ed 2005, H/b, D/j, Watson, J - "The Confessions Of A Poacher" 1890, reprint…
Austyn, C - "Modern Sporting Guns" 1st ed 1994, H/b, D/j, Yardley, M - "Gun Fitting, The Quest For P…
Nickerson, Sir J - "A Shooting Mans Creed" 2008 ed, Sapp, R - "The Gun Digest Book Of Sporting Clays" 3rd ed…
Sapp, R - "The Gun Digest Book Of Sporting Clays" 3rd ed 2005 S/b, Brant, A - "The World's Best Shoots" 1st…
McKinley, R - "The Future For Woodland Deer" 1st ed 1999, Mason, J - "The Townies Guide To The Countryside"…
CATALOGUES: (3) Hardy Angler's Guide 1961, loose spine but complete, c/w 1958/59 and 1983 price lists, a 1971…
CATALOGUES: (6) Pair of Hardy 1966 Anglers Guides, generally good, c/w 1965/66 price list, 1981 angler's…
ROD: Pezon et Michel Parabolic Sawyer Nymph 8'4" 2 piece with additional spare tip (repair to top), burgundy…
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